- Skin Scraping or called Gua Sha is a type of meridian balance therapy whereby the skin or the skin with oil is scrapped with a tool (a ceramic spoon, horn, jade, glass cup or any tool with dull and smooth edges).
- Gua means scrapping.
- Sha means a visible red or purple spots and patches on the skin in scrapping process. These in fact show that it is leaking outside the containing metabolites in capillary blood. If some of the products of metabolism are in the blood, blood circulation disorder will rise out of “Sha”.
- The skin is cleaned and a media (such as a water, herbal ointment or massage oil) is applied to lessen friction on the skin.
- The scrubbing tool is then applied to the area for a fixed time. After scrubbing therapy has taken place, the treated area is left without pressure.
- The skin is scrapped on the related meridian points by the benign strong stimulation meridian and dilated capillaries, in order to improve local microcirculation and eliminate the evil Qi.
- The purpose of scrubbing is to
- free the meridian energy (Qi) flow,
- ease muscle tension,
- expel the discomfort from the body,
- rid the body of sluggish energy,
- strengthen body responses,
- relieve unwell feelings,
- dispels wind and cold,
- banishes evil spirits through detoxification,
- clearing heat and dampness,
- promoting blood circulation,
- reducing pain, and spasm,
- to help the body perform in a balanced condition.
- The blocked energy and toxins are brought to the surface and expelled from the body.
Side effects
- A bruise is created on the surface of the skin where the scrubbing treatment occurs.
- The colour and type of bruising generated varies depending on the type of imbalance and is useful in providing a more detailed health information of the disorder.
- Fever
- Headache
- Sunstrokes / heat syncope and nausea.
- Fatigue caused by exposure to heat or cold.
- Cough and dyspnea: bronchitis, asthma, emphysema
- Muscle and tendon injuries
- Stiffness, pain, immobility
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Digestive disorders
- Push sluggish circulation, fibromyalgia
- Urinary, gynecological disorders
The skin scrapping is not suitable to use for everyone. It will be used for individual patient’s depending on their body system condition.
Regular scraping, can play a role of preventive health care and also promotes Qi and activates blood, dissolves stasis, adjusts the Yin-Yang balance, relaxes muscle/ tendon and accessibility “Jing-Ruo”, removes toxin, increases metabolism rate, and enhances the body’s own potential for disease resistance and immune functions.
刮痧療法(Skin scraping),歷史悠久,源遠流長,發展到今天已經成為一種適應病種非常廣泛的傳統自然療法之一。刮痧是根據中醫十二經脈及奇經八脈、遵循”急則治其標”的原則,利用光滑的牛角、玉石、玻璃火罐等刮痧器具在人體表面特定的部位,通常在相關經絡穴位部位,反復進行刮、擠、揪捏等物理刺激,造成皮膚表面產生瘀血點、瘀血斑或點狀出血等毛細血管破裂的融血現象,使腠理得以開洩,從而將充斥於體表的病灶乃至深層組織器官的風、寒、痰、濕、瘀血、火熱、膿毒等各種邪氣從皮毛通達於外,以幫助達到疏通經絡、行氣活血、祛除邪氣、舒筋理氣、驅風散寒、解毒祛邪、清熱除濕、活血化瘀、消腫止痛之目的。
(5 )幫助排除毒素
注意問題: 不是每個人都適合使用刮痧療法,應根據每個人的具體內在情況而定。