Frequently Asked Questions

What is Chinese Medicine?

  • Chinese Medicine 中醫 (Zhong Yi)  is an ancient and traditional medical system that has been used for thousands of years to prevent, diagnose, and treat disease.
  • The belief that the body’s vital energy called 氣 (Qi) flows along the organ systems and along meridians in the body and keeps a person’s spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical health in balance.
  • All imbalance of Qi causes diseases.
  • Chinese medicine aims to restore the body’s Qi balance and harmony between the natural opposing forces of Yin 陰 and Yang 陽.
  • The methods to restore the body’s Qi balance are including
    1. Acupuncture 針,
    2. Moxibustion 灸,
    3. Herbal medicine 湯藥,
    4. Massage 按蹺,
    5. Cupping 拔罐,
    6. Scraping (Gua Sha 刮痧),
    7. Bonesetter (Die-Da 跌打),
    8. Exercise (guiding and leading technique 導引術) including Qi Gong 氣功, Tai Chi, five-animal mimic exercise 五禽戲, eight pieces of brocade 八段錦, tendon’s transformation classic 易筋經 and so on.
    9. Diet,
    10. Music therapy
    11. Fragrant therapy …
  • Chinese medicine practice emphasises the importance of a holistic approach and individualisation of treatment plan.
  • Chinese medicine practitioners utilise both traditional and modern methods for diagnosis and to evaluate therapeutic outcomes.
  • Traditional methods include observation of the tongue and palpation of the pulses together with an analysis of the other signs and symptoms.
  • Modern methods can include reviewing results of conventional western diagnostic tests.

Chinese medicine is used to treat a broad range of conditions in patients of all ages.

How will my first appointment or initial consultation go?

  1. During your first appointment, a full health history will be taken. Please bring any relevant medical reports, images (X-ray, MRI…etc), and blood test results.
  2. We assess your present health conditions by using Chinese Medicine diagnostic techniques such as observing your tongue, face or nails, palpating your pulse, conducting the appropriate physical examinations.
  3. We form the Chinese medicine diagnosis and explain to you the root cause of the problems and discuss the treatment plan with you.
  4. Once you agree the treatment plan, for example , the treatments can be one single or a combination based on the diagnosis such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, cupping, scrubbing (Gua Sha), moxa or manual therapy, the treatment can start on the spot.
  5. The first appointment including acupuncture treatment may last for an hour or more.
  6. The duration of the initial consultation and treatment depends on the complexity of your medical conditions.

How much do you charge?

Initial health consultation (including acupuncture)A$120
Subsequent heath consultation (including acupuncture)A$90
Herbs – dry raw herbs

Depends on the number of herbs and types of herbs in the herbal prescription.

The range from $15 to $50 per pack

Herb – granulate

Depends on the number of granulate and types of granulate in the herbal prescription.

The range from $10 to $30 per pack

Blossom needle (hair regrowth)A$30
Facial acupunctureA$150
Fire needleA$30
Scraping (Gua Sha)A$30
Massage (5 minutes)A$20
Strain relief oilA$10

How does Acupuncture work?

    • Scientists have long explored the cause behind efficacy of acupuncture.
    • Some suggest that pain relief from acupuncture occurs when acupuncture needles stimulate nerves.
    • Acupuncture may also release pain-relieving chemicals, such as endorphins and serotonin to ease symptoms.
    • Acupuncture may also decrease pain-causing inflammation by stimulating the pituitary gland to release cortisol.
    • Acupuncture releases your natural pain relievers that are many times stronger than opioids.

Will Acupuncture hurt?

    • You may feel needle insertion. The pain level, however, is considered mild. Because acupuncture needle size is hair-thin 0.25mm smaller than the size of the needle injection from your GP 1.6mm.
    • The Acupuncture needles used are very fine and the sensation is often less than that of a mosquito bite.
    • You may experience a weird sensation with acupuncture. The feeling can be described as cramping, heaviness, numbness, tingling, itchy, dull, distension, radiating sensation or electric sensation either around the needle or travelling along the energy pathway.
    • This sensation or feeling initiates the healing process as the needle stimulates the Qi to work with the body to bring back the body Qi balance.If you are in the market for superclone Replica Rolex , Super Clone Rolex is the place to go! The largest collection of fake Rolex watches online!
    • All acupuncture needles are sterile, packed individually or in pack of 10 and disposed after use.
    • Sometimes the needles are heated with moxa, or an electro acupuncture device is attached after insertion.
    • The number and length of treatments required for healing varies depending on many factors such as type, severity, duration of condition and nature of the complaint. In general, the needles can be left in for fifteen to thirty minutes. The duration of the needle’s retention depends on your medical conditions.
    • You may notice changes to your condition during treatment for chronic conditions, and much more for acute conditions.
    • If you experience any pain or feeling of intolerable discomfort, tell your practitioner.

Is Acupuncture safe?

  • Wong Chinese Medicine Clinic only uses needles that are sterile, disposable, and not ever re-used for another patient.

What should I wear?

      • It is best to wear loose-fitting clothes that can be moved to get to the areas that need to be worked on.
      • If it is necessary, we have towels to use so that we can properly drape you while you are being treated.

How many treatments will I need?

    • Treatments are usually scheduled on a weekly basis in many cases.
    • In acute conditions, more frequent treatments are sometimes recommended.
    • Most chronic conditions often require a series of treatments to fully address them.
    • Your practitioner will discuss a treatment plan during your treatment session.

What other services do you provide?

  • During an acupuncture treatment session, you may also receive other treatment modalities concurrently with the acupuncture such as cupping, moxa, massage and gua sha.
  • These treatments will be explained further during your session and the price is listed in the fee schedule.

Can you use acupuncture on babies and children?

Yes, babies, and children, and young people may be given acupuncture by laser acupuncture or gently massaging acupuncture channels and points on the skin.

How do I cook my raw Chinese herbs?

Follow the instructions from the Chinese medicine practitioner. Different herbal formulae have different instructions to cook the raw Chinese herbs. However, the general instructions are as follows;

  1. Soak 1 bag of herbs with about (3-4 cups) 750 ml to 1 litre of tap water (make sure herbs are covered with water) in a clay or glass pot for 20 mins.
  2. Put the clay or glass pot on stove and bring to boil and boil on medium heat until 1 cup (about 250 ml) of liquid remains. This is usually 45 mins or so.
  3. Strain out liquid in a jug or container, keeping the cooked herbs in the clay or glass pot
  4. Add the cooked herbs back to the clay or glass pot with 2-3 cups of water (750 ml). Repeat step 2 and 3
  5. There should be 2 cups of liquid from the two boils. Combine and drink 1 cup x 2 day or as directed.

How do you take the herbs?

  1. It is recommended that all herbal medicine be taken in accordance with the Chinese medicine practitioner’s instructions in relation to meals. It can be before meals or after meals. It can be in the morning or before going to bed.
  2. It is better to rinse your mouth and teeth with a small cup of warm water after drinking the herbal decoction to reduce the stain building up on your teeth.
  3. You should also avoid taking herbal medicine with any other beverages or consuming any other drink immediately afterwards. This especially includes tea, coffee, soft drink etc.
  4. If you need to take western medicine and Chinese medicine, it is better to have 1-2 hours apart each other.

Do you have a cancellation policy?

  • Yes, we do. Wong Chinese Medicine clinic requires 24 hours for appointment cancellations.
  • If less than the required notice is given, Wong Chinese Medicine clinic reserves the right to charge a 100% cancellation fee.
  • We do understand that our busy lives can sometimes get in the way so this policy will be applied with discretion with repeat offenders.
  • In case  you are likely to be late, please contact us ASAP.  Arriving more than 15 minutes late could result in your appointment being cancelled or a shorter treatment time at the normal fee.

Can I get a health fund rebate?

  • Private health fund rebates are available to clients who receive acupuncture treatments and have acupuncture treatments covered as part of their policy.
  • In order to receive the health fund rebate, retain your receipts and forward them to your health fund as per their requirements for a rebate to be processed.
  • Remember to check with your private health insurance provider to ensure acupuncture treatments are covered in your policy.

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