
Acupuncture 針

Acupuncture 針 is a very fine filiform needle inserting into and manipulating at specific points on the body believed to be “acupuncture points” that can help manage pain and rebalance the body Qi because acupuncture can release vital energy (Qi) to restore health.

  • Chinese Medicine believes that human’s body meridians are connected as a network. The complex meridian network can travel throughout the whole body to every system, organ, and gland. This network is a deep meridian system. The meridian network can reach to the surface of the skin. This network is a surface meridian system.
  • Chinese medicine’s theory of Qi states that Qi flows through meridian pathways running through our body. Meridians are like superhighways of energy. When the body Qi is in balance, the Qi travels smoothly through the channels in a specific direction or flow pattern. Therefore, health is the result of a harmonious balance of Qi. Qi has two forces. They are Yin and Yang.
  • When the Qi is out of balance between these forces (Yin and Yang), the flow of Qi may be disturbed, stagnated, altered, or gather in particular points along the superhighway. The body Qi fails to maintain balance and harmony. The body becomes higher tendency towards illness and disease.
  • The imbalance of Qi can be caused by internal factors (such as stress, poor diet and dysfunction of organ systems) and external factors (such as overwork, disease pathogens, weather and environmental conditions acting on the internal organs). The illness and diseases are manifesting themselves at certain acupuncture points via meridian network.
  • These are the points where we place the needles to move, disperse or re-route the Qi thus restoring balance.
  • For example, one of the meridians connects from fingers to the brain. Along this meridian, there are many energy gathering points that have strong influence on the body’s responses. Acupuncture can stimulate these points which can affect the body’s responses in certain way to ease the disorder and to achieve the energy balance. For example, inserting a needle on hand can help treat the headache.
  • Insertion and manipulation of the needles can clear energy blockages. It can encourage or restore the normal flow of Qi. It can correct the imbalance of the flow of Qi through the body.
  • To achieve the optimal treatment outcomes, the method of treatment used and the selection of acupuncture points, the right depths and the right stimulation must be based on proper Chinese Medicine diagnosis and treatment principles.
  • The location of the points selected, how deep the needles actually go, and the acupuncturist’s style are determined by the nature of the disease, the patient’s size and age. Acupuncture is suitable for men, women, children, baby and elderly.
  • All acupuncture needles are sterile, single-use, disposable needles. All registered practitioners abide by a strict professional ethical and hygiene protocol under AHPRA.


Types of acupuncture style

  1. Traditional acupuncture
  2. Scalp acupuncture
  3. Ear acupuncture – the stimulation of points on the external ear surface
  4. Abdominal acupuncture
  5. Navel button acupuncture
  6. Eye acupuncture


Types of acupuncture

  1. Manual acupuncture – involving the insertion of very fine needles into the skin at specific points manually
  2. Electro-acupuncture – the needles connecting with wires to a machine that sends a small amount of electricity through the needle to stimulate the muscles and surrounding tissues.
  3. Ear seed acupuncture
  4. Laser acupuncture

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